Assessment of the asylum institution card and influence on the nutrition and functionality of elderly
Aging is a natural and physiological process for man, however, it submits the organism to many anatomical and functional changes that may influence the health and nutrition conditions of the elder. Considering the degree of vulnerability that the elders living in ILPI are found, either due to their own aging or for the conditions imposed by the institutionalization, it is clear the need to carry out studies on nutrient intake and its possible consequences, such as malnutrition and obesity, associated with loss of physical functionality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the nutritional adequacy offered by the menu of the asylum institution, the nutritional status through the Mini Nutritional Assessment and the physical functionality of elderly people living in the Elderly Home "Frederico Ozanam" which is located in the city of Diamantina, Minas Gerais-MG. The evaluation of the menu during three consecutive days showed that there was variation in the macro nutrient adequacy in the three days evaluated when compared to the SBAN recommendations. When compared to the RDA references (DRIS), all macro nutrients were offered according to the recommendation. Regarding the MAN score, the highest percentage of elder (66.6%) scored from seventeen to twenty-three points. This score indicates that they were at risk of malnutrition. The performance in the physical tests showed that the majority of the elders have a high risk of falls. The results found in this research reinforce that the institutionalized elders need attention to health, nutritional care and public policies that meet these institutions in their needs.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Déborah Jaqueline Miranda de Moraes Nunes, Ana Letícia Guedes Rocha Barbosa, Ivy Scorzi Cazelli Pires, Fábio Tadeu Lourenço Guimarães, Lucilene Soares Miranda, Vanessa Ferreira
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