Analysis of the level of overweight and obesity in elementary school students

  • Ilane Cristina da Silva Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Famí­lia, Parelhas-RN, Brasil.
  • Bartolomeu Fagundes de Lima Filho Departamento de Fisioterapia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal-RS, Brasil.
Keywords: Oranje juice, Agent oranje, Exposure, Abdominal fat


Introduction: orange juice extract is known, but its benefits are still little discussed in the scientific environment, however, it is believed that there is a reduction of abdominal fat with its use. Objective: To review the literary findings on the effects of phytochemical compounds of red orange, especially Morosil, on the reduction of abdominal fat. Materials and methods: it is an integrative review carried out from January to June 2018. Results: 22 articles were found and 7 were included in the inclusion criteria. Two are favorable to the use of the extract of orange juice to reduce abdominal fat, while others believe that the use of this compound does not alter anthropometric data. Discussion: The articles found differed from a unique point of view. Some have shown the ineffectiveness of the compound for this purpose and others have shown that the compound is capable of decreasing measurements. Conclusion: The use of orange juice extract is still controversial, but most national and international studies believe that there is no significant effect on the reduction of abdominal fat. Nevertheless, it is necessary to elaborate studies with better methodological aggregates to conclude emphatically the studied effects.

Author Biographies

Ilane Cristina da Silva, Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Famí­lia, Parelhas-RN, Brasil.

Fisioterapeuta formada pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) especialista em Fisioterapia Dermato-funcional pelo Instituto de aperfeiçoamento profissional em saúde, atualmente é Fisioterapeuta do Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Famí­lia da cidade de Parelhas, RN.

Bartolomeu Fagundes de Lima Filho, Departamento de Fisioterapia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal-RS, Brasil.

Fisioterpeuta formado pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Mestre em Fisioterapia na área de Envelhecimento Humano pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte e Doutorando na área de Neurologia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.


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How to Cite
Silva, I. C. da, & Lima Filho, B. F. de. (2020). Analysis of the level of overweight and obesity in elementary school students. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 14(84), 146-154. Retrieved from
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