Influence of the media on the nutritional profile of preschool children in the city of Gaspar-SC

  • Jaine Monteiro Centro Universitário Dante, Itajaí­-SC, Brasil.
  • Tainara Goedert Centro Universitário Dante, Itajaí­-SC, Brasil.
  • Roseane Leandra da Rosa Centro Universitário Dante, Itajaí­-SC, Brasil.
Keywords: Media, Marketing, Baby food, Nutritional status


The first years of life have great influence on the development of the individual. It is during this period that food preferences are structured, as well as, they are prone to media influences due to high exposure as a form of daily entertainment. Therefore, the present article aims to evaluate the influence of the media on the nutritional profile of pre-school children enrolled in a kindergarten in the municipality of Gaspar-SC. The research was carried out with children from two to six years of age in a municipal nursery in Gaspar-SC. To participate in the research, the children presented the informed consent form signed by those responsible, as well as the semi-structured questionnaire that addressed the eating habits of children and the influence of social media. Subsequently, the children were weighed and measured for their nutritional status. These were classified according to the curves of the world health organization (2007). 81 children participated in the study, which were mostly (96.29%) identified as eutrophic. In addition, it has been found that children have television at home and in the room itself, making at least one meal in front of the television. Also, it can be observed that most children do 3 to 5 meals a day and when they go to the supermarket they order goodies.

Author Biography

Roseane Leandra da Rosa, Centro Universitário Dante, Itajaí­-SC, Brasil.

The first years of life have great influence on the development of the individual. It is during this period that food preferences are structured, as well as, they are prone to media influences due to high exposure as a form of daily entertainment. Therefore, the present article aims to evaluate the influence of the media on the nutritional profile of pre-school children enrolled in a kindergarten in the municipality of Gaspar-SC. The research was carried out with children from two to six years of age in a municipal nursery in Gaspar-SC. To participate in the research, the children presented the informed consent form signed by those responsible, as well as the semi-structured questionnaire that addressed the eating habits of children and the influence of social media. Subsequently, the children were weighed and measured for their nutritional status. These were classified according to the curves of the world health organization (2007). 81 children participated in the study, which were mostly (96.29%) identified as eutrophic. In addition, it has been found that children have television at home and in the room itself, making at least one meal in front of the television. Also, it can be observed that most children do 3 to 5 meals a day and when they go to the supermarket they order goodies.


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How to Cite
Monteiro, J., Goedert, T., & Rosa, R. L. da. (2020). Influence of the media on the nutritional profile of preschool children in the city of Gaspar-SC. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 14(84), 125-130. Retrieved from
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