Influence of diet in the composition of intestinal microbiota associated with obesity: a review

  • Jéssica Lorenz Universidade FEEVALE, Novo Hamburgo-RS, Brasil.
  • Denise Ruttke Dillenburg Osorio Universidade FEEVALE, Novo Hamburgo-RS, Brasil.
Keywords: Obesity, Diet, Microbiota


Introtuction and Objective: The fight against obesity as well as related chronic diseases has been a public health challenge. The role of the intestinal microbiota (MI) in the incidence and severity of this metabolic disorder has been evidenced. The present study evaluated the influence of diet in the composition of MI associated with obesity. Materials and Methods: A literature review was carried out with PubMed, Scielo and Lilacs databases, published between 2008 and 2018, using indexing terms: Diet AND microbiota AND obesity. Results: The nine articles evidenced that the diet may be able to interfere in the composition of the intestinal microbiota, influencing the abundance and diversity of genera and consequently the production of short chain fatty acids. Discussion: There was an impact on the microbial composition, especially when the dietary intervention was composed of in natura food fibers. The increase of genders with important role in human metabolism was highlighted among the results. The improvement of the composition of the microbiota occurs through healthy, diversified and high-fiber diet. The weight of the individuals influenced the microbial composition, just before dietary interventions or when the food pattern of the individuals was not healthy. Conclusion: Adequate consumption of fiber and nutrients from a balanced diet has a positive impact on the composition of the intestinal microbiota. We suggest that dietary strategies can stimulate beneficial bacteria with the capacity to mediate metabolic disorders associated with obesity, but additional studies are necessary to promote a greater relationship between the exposed factors.

Author Biographies

Jéssica Lorenz, Universidade FEEVALE, Novo Hamburgo-RS, Brasil.

Nutricionista pela Universidade FEEVALE, Novo Hamburgo-RS, Brasil.

Denise Ruttke Dillenburg Osorio, Universidade FEEVALE, Novo Hamburgo-RS, Brasil.

Docente na Universidade FEEVALE, Novo Hamburgo-RS, Brasil.


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How to Cite
Lorenz, J., & Osorio, D. R. D. (2020). Influence of diet in the composition of intestinal microbiota associated with obesity: a review. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 13(83), 1159-1167. Retrieved from
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