Effects of circuit training or walk after eight weeks of intervention in body composition and physical fitness of sedentary obese women

  • Adilson Domingos dos Reis Filho Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato-Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho - Exercí­cio Fí­sico aplicado à Reabilitação Cardí­aca e a Grupos Especiais. Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto-Sensu (Mestrado) em Biociências da Faculdade de Nutrição/UFMTLaboratório de Aptidão Fí­sica e Metabolismo (LAFIME) – FEF/UFMT. Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Exercí­cio Fí­sico e Metabolismo (GEPEMET) - FEF/UNEMAT
  • Maira Luciana Serafim Silva Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato-Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho - Exercí­cio Fí­sico aplicado à Reabilitação Cardí­aca e a Grupos Especiais
  • Carlos Alexandre Fett Laboratório de Aptidão Fí­sica e Metabolismo (LAFIME) - FEF/UFMT. Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT)
  • Waldecir Paula Lima Professor do Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia - IF/SP
Keywords: Circuit training, Walk, Body composition, Obesity


Objective: To compare the influence of circuit training and walking on body composition and physical fitness of obese sedentary. Materials and Methods: Participants of the training circuit and walk, 21 sedentary women, aged 30-40 years, body mass index (BMI) between 30-40 kg/m2, for 08 weeks, with sessions of one hour, three times per week with intensity of 3 and 5 on the scale of Borg and heart rate (HR) between 60% and 70% of HRmax. Results: Both groups had reductions in body weight, the percentage of fat and fat mass, however, only the circuit group showed greater increase in lean body mass. Discussion: We observed the existence of several studies in the literature that show the positive effect of exercise on reducing the fat. However, they considered only the duration of work, with little to show interference of the type of exercise, as the predominance of energy metabolism employee. Conclusion: The combination of reduced calorie diet and exercise, like walking circuit and seem to have effect in the treatment of obesity.


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How to Cite
Reis Filho, A. D. dos, Silva, M. L. S., Fett, C. A., & Lima, W. P. (2012). Effects of circuit training or walk after eight weeks of intervention in body composition and physical fitness of sedentary obese women . Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 2(11). Retrieved from https://www.rbone.com.br/index.php/rbone/article/view/111
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