Bariatric surgery and patient satisfaction after intervention

  • Teresa Moreira Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Fernando Pessoa (UFP), Porto, Portugal
  • José Teixeira Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Fernando Pessoa (UFP), Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Obesity, Bariatric surgery, Patient satisfaction


This study aimed to evaluate the satisfaction of the patients after a 3-month postoperative period of bariatric surgery in several hospitals in the north of Portugal. In order to do so, we evaluated the sociodemographic data on weight, BMI, the desired objectives, and on a Likert scale a questionnaire about their satisfaction after surgery. A total of 71 individuals participated in this study, where the female gender predominated, 84.9% (n = 62), and aged between 25 and 75 years old. Gastric bypass was performed in 75.3% of the patients. The objectives of the respondents when they agreed to undergo surgery ware essentially to improve their health 98.6% (n = 73) and reduce their weight by 91.9%. It was verified that most of the patients would return to perform the surgical intervention (87.9%). The majority of the patients were very satisfied with the surgery (64.38%). However, it can be observed that the patient with morbid obesity, despite the desire to lose weight, they find it difficult to adhere to treatment, suffering relapses. Not all could maintain weight loss over time, or would vary significantly, which makes it difficult to characterize the success of the surgical intervention. The fundamental aspects to increase the success of the surgery are: the promoting new eating habits, promoting physical activity, the support in moments of discouragement when the desired weight loss is not achieved. Regarding postoperative satisfaction with performance life activities, we can affirm that the majority of patients submitted to surgical treatment increased their satisfaction and achieve their goals with the surgery.

Author Biography

Teresa Moreira, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Fernando Pessoa (UFP), Porto, Portugal



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How to Cite
Moreira, T., & Teixeira, J. (2020). Bariatric surgery and patient satisfaction after intervention. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 13(81), 838-844. Retrieved from
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