The effectiveness of chlorella as inhibiting of appetite associated with the physical exercise and the balanced diet modifying the body composition
The purpose of this study was to verify changes in morphology, using as factors resulting in calorie restriction, physical activityand oral administration of Chlorella (algae) in 500mg twice daily. Materials and Methods: This study examined the changes made by 12 people among normal weight, overweight and obese ranging from 22 to 61 years, subject to 40 days of aerobic exercises, rehabilitation and food handled with 500mg capsules of Chlorella given 2 x daily. Results: At the end of the study it was found that 50% of the sample did not reach the end of treatment because of intolerance to supplement; 16.66% supplement taken correctly, but did not follow the menu and physical activity, came to 33.33% end of treatment following the established criteria. Of the 33.33% 25% have received no change and 75% with satisfactory results. Discussion: Due to the high rate of abandonment of treatment (50%) by intolerance supplementation or no commitment to diet and / or exercise shows that the effectiveness of the search had no positive impact as expected. The rest did not complete treatment but some were positive while 16.66% took supplements correctly, but did not follow the menu and physical activity; 33.33% reached the end of treatment following the established criteria. Conclusion: The combined therapy of diet, exercise and Chlorella when followed properly take effect for weight loss and can be used for the treatment of obesity and overweight.
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