Evaluation of the sweeteners present in diet products
The food industry has been increasing the production of processed foods, seeking to exploit them more and more, with the aim of providing the practicality of the population. In order to improve the organoleptic characteristics or prolong the useful life of these foods, the use of food additives has been explored, among them the use of sweeteners in diet products. The study aimed to check the sweeteners present in diet products and relate them to possible health effects. It were analyzed 46 samples of diet products collected according to the availability in stores in the city of Teresina-PI, through the photographic registration of the labels. Then, information was extracted related to the types of sweeteners present in these products, dividing them into food groups according to the Brazilian Table of Food Composition (BTFC), as well as relating each sweetener with possible health effects, according to with the information available in the scientific literature. It was observed that 55% of the sweeteners analyzed were of the artificial type and 45% were natural. Sucralose was the most found sweetener (29.9%), followed by maltitol (19.5%), acesulfame-K (10.3%), sorbitol (9.2%) and stevia (9.2%), being these also observed with high prevalence in most products analyzed according food groups. There is no consensus in the literature on the long-term effects of consumption these sweeteners. However, all sweeteners regulated by legislation are safe within the daily consumption limit indicated for each one, but caution should be taken in its consumption due to the inconsistencies of its health effects observed in the literature.
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